Salary Estimate for Montreal, QC

An Investment or Portfolio Analyst advises individuals and companies about investments. Typically works with a collection of investments called a portfolio, though can also advise clients about individual investments. Studies trends that impact investments and writes reports regarding economic and business changes and activities that affect the value of investments. Can also be involved in the selling of investments, such as stocks. Works mainly in investment firms, though can also be employed in lending institutions, corporate finance departments, banks or insurance companies.

$43,520 Low
$89,856 High
LocationMedian Salary
Montreal, QC$55,296
National $75,136
Location +/--36%
These skills can up your value in Montreal, QC
These skills can up your value in Montreal, QC
These are potential next steps in this career path.
  • Financial Quantitative Analyst
  • Financial Manager (General)
  • Corporate Development Manager